Archive for Current Affairs

From gangs to cell phones, 750 new laws come to California

My local paper is listing the new laws that come into effect tonight. A few of my favorites are:

* Pets: Domestic violence victims can now protect their pets by including them in a restraining order.
* Rock bands: Is that really the Drifters jamming on stage — or an impostor? A new law makes it easier to punish bands who deceptively impersonate other groups.
* Kangaroos: Soccer players will have an easier time buying shoes made from kangaroo leather. Until now, kangaroo products could not be sold in California.

And of course SB 719 comes into affect:

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Happy Christmas Everyone!

All, my lovely wife and I have had a hectic few weeks since we returned from our galavanting around the world.

My dad is here from the UK, and the holiday season has been keeping me away from having some time to organize my thoughts.

A good time has been had by all, and we are looking forward to ringing in the New Year this evening!


The Final Frontier: Las Vegas

On Monday night a piece of as Vegas history came to an end as the New Frontier hotel was demolished to make way for a new development.

Check out the CNN video.

I happened to be in Las Vegas on business, and my hotel room happened to look right over the demolition site. So I got some great photos:

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California Air Resources Board comes to Merced to hear citizens

The California Air Resources Board is holding a public forum in Merced to hear citizens thoughts and concerns about the valleys air quality issues.

This is the only public meeting for the north valley, and it is very telling that Merced was chosen, so I encourage all local residents to attend to hear and provide viewpoints from a wide a cross section of our community as is possible.

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