Nerdy News

Do you use social bookmarking website such as

Do you wish you could share in the massive revenue that such sites generate through advertising?

If you answered yes to either of these questions, then I reccomend that you check out Nerdy News (

This is a new enterprise I am working on that gives registered users a share of the ad revenue. Basically, it is created in partnership with Google, and allows the user to register with Nerdy News, and google’s adsense (a web advertising service) in one step. If you already have an adsense account, then you can just link your account to your account.

It works in a similar way to Digg in that users submit stories that interest them, and other users vote on how good the story is. The story with the most votes, or “boosts”, get put on the front page. As there are so many stories being submitted, and users “boosting” stories the frontpage is always showing the most interesting and popular stories!

There is also a discussion, or comments page on each story so that users can discuss the article the story is about.

The coolest feature by far is how easy it is to submit a story. Just like, you can click on a submit story link from the home page, but Nerdy News also has a fantastic feature called the “bookmarklet”. When the user logs in, they are given the ability to drag a link to their bookmark or favorites. Using a clever piece of javascript, the user can then visit any page on the internet, and if the user wants to submit that page, then they can just click on the bookmark in the toolbar. A little window pops up where you fill a description and title, and then all you have to do is click submit! It has to be seen to be believed, but it is pretty darn cool when it is seen in action.

Anyway, everyone should look at this site, as I think it will become pretty popular. I will keep you updated on how it is doing.


  1. dude man Said,

    February 19, 2008 @ 8:39 pm

    yeah right man…another ploy to get people to visit your friend’s website

  2. Stuart Said,

    February 21, 2008 @ 9:05 am

    Well, yes. I would want to promote the sites I am working on wouldn’t I? I gave an accurate description of the features of the site, and shared some predictions of its popularity… Is this such a bad thing? I did mention I work on this site.

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