Fruit is a better view

So for those of you that do not know I recently switched from PC to Mac.

3 Years ago I would have laughed if anyone would have told me I would be doing this. Yeh, my first *real* programming experience was on Mac (albeit with Java as the language of choice), and I have used Mac’s in my past, but moving from Windows to Mac. Pah!

Oh my word, am I glad I did. In the words of John Newton “I was blind but now I see”: The whole computer experience is not meant to be this good is it? Where are the crashes, the hangs and those hilariously cryptic messages (yes many of them are non-understandable by geeks too)…

I am positive that I will be blogging Apple’s praises in the coming months. One of the things that had stopped me switching (or even consider switching) before now is that I am a power user. I don’t need the fancy GUI and the simple setup. I am a real life hairy hunter gatherer programming neanderthal. ROAR! Yeh… wrong. I am a power user, but why suffer unneccesarily? I can have all the frills that windows (even Vista folks) cannot do, and yet drop down to a unix shell and have all the intimate bash fun I want!

As my brother-in-law would say: “Why have pie when you can have cake?”

I love my Apple MacBookPro. fin.


  1. Scott Rippee Said,

    March 3, 2007 @ 10:18 pm

    I’ve also made the switch also and its been great. I too would have been surprised if someone told me that I’d have a Mac a few years back, but now I wouldn’t have it anyway. Its amazing having a system that has software on it that is always working (as oppose to my linux and windows boxes) and still have the power of the shell at my finger tips. 🙂

    Anyways, windows it out to the door at home. The mac book pro and a Linux box to server stuff are the perfect fit.

  2. Thanks Microsoft! » The Geeky Brit Said,

    March 10, 2007 @ 9:46 am

    […] that Bill was reading my blog, as is his want, and noticed a couple of my blog entries (OneCare, Apple). He obviously decided to appease my frustrations, and send me these “wonderful” pieces […]

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