Archive for September, 2007

Merced SunStar comments on SB 719

In a recent article on the passing of SB 719 the Merced Sun Star presented a balanced piece regarding the successful passing of the legislation.

One of the comments on the website asked the question:

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Comments (2)

All you geeks out there beware!

Playing games too much can be bad for your health. Or even kill you! is reporting: that a guy in Aisa was playing online constantly for 72 at an internet cafe. He collapsed and died from a type of heart failure brought on by lack of sleep…

Let this be a lesson to all of you who I would classify as the “uber geeks”. You know who you are…


Dumb Question of the day

Is there another word for a synonym?


How not to upgrade a website…

My local paper, the Merced Sun-Star recently upgraded their website….

Unfortunately, despite some improvements it has become a lesson in how not to upgrade a website.

The first thing I noticed was that all my RSS subscriptions were not refreshing. So I visited the site, to find out what had happened. Whilst there are some new “bells and whistles”, a lot of the site does not seem to be working as expected.

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