Archive for August, 2007

Wii Controller is expensive!

I have noticed a strategy of Nintendo’s, in that if you take into account that all the Nintendo Virtual Console based games seem to require the classic controller, and the nunchuck is a required component for many if not most Wii games, the cost of a controller for the wii is considerable.

Wiimote $39
Nunchuck $19
Classic Controller $19

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Mac OS Hostname and the Bash prompt

When I am using my MacBook Pro on my offices LAN, I sometimes encounter an issue where my hostname displayed in the bash prompt is actually of a different machine. For example, instead of saying:


It would say: Read the rest of this entry »


Health crisis keeps hopeful out of race for Merced council seat

Health crisis keeps hopeful out of race for Merced council seat

So perhaps I spoke to soon on Friday when I announced Alicia Bohlke was to run for city council. Unfortunately she had to be rushed to hospital when she should have been filing the necessary paperwork. What does this mean for us living here in Merced? Well it most likely means that another realtor will get elected, and the same old bad economic plans will be put together… Maybe its time to move on.


Alicia Bohlke to run for City Council

My lovely wife’s good friend is running for the Merced City Council. Alicia decided this week to throw herself into the political arena. She is a wonderful human being, with many great qualities to offer our little town.

So remember to vote ALICIA BOHLKE in November!

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