Archive for February, 2007

Fruit is a better view

So for those of you that do not know I recently switched from PC to Mac.

3 Years ago I would have laughed if anyone would have told me I would be doing this. Yeh, my first *real* programming experience was on Mac (albeit with Java as the language of choice), and I have used Mac’s in my past, but moving from Windows to Mac. Pah!

Oh my word, am I glad I did. In the words of John Newton “I was blind but now I see”: The whole computer experience is not meant to be this good is it? Where are the crashes, the hangs and those hilariously cryptic messages (yes many of them are non-understandable by geeks too)…

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Oscar Madness…

I know some people love watching the Academy awards, but I find them tedious at best. My lovely wife, of course, loves watching them, and so once a year I bid fairwell to conversation with her for several hours. I do admit to getting interested in the “big” winners and go into the family room to see those, but honestly who cares about the “Award for best Sandwich maker in a low budget movie”?

Please don’t get me wrong I like to see who is recognized (and this year some fellow Brits could do very well), but I get to do this on monday morning by looking at a newspaper or other news source….

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Dame Helen a shoe in…

…apparantly. The BBC are reporting that the British firm William Hill have already paid out for wagers on Dame Helen Mirren winning the best actress oscar this weekend. A little premature perhaps? Maybe not, she was absolutely fantastic in “The Queen”. As the bookie says “Should the unimaginable occur and Dame Helen fails to win the Oscar, then she will have been robbed and so will we.”

Ahhh British optimism.


At long last…

Wow. Well here it is. My Blog…
This is something that has been on my todo list for at least a couple of years now. I was looking for that perfect domain name… I registered a couple of years ago at my lovely wife’s bequest, but somehow never actually got around to doing anything with it. Well, anything usefull 🙂

Anyway, my buddy and colleague Rob has always been pushing me to get this started, an he helped me choose the domain name. So Cheers Rob!

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